Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Preliminary Vitals.........:)

Well I guess I'll weigh in once a week on Sunday...yep that sounds like a good random day to weigh-in....I'll post my daily workouts along w/ what I've eaten.....Here goes.....Day 1

Weight: 223
Neck: 14.25"
Chest: 43"
L Bicep: 14"
R Bicep: 14"
Upper Waist (bends): 37"
Lower Waist (across belly button): 42"
Hips: 48.5"
R Thigh: 30"
L Thigh: 30"
Calf: 14.5"


Well, well, well.  Today I came up with a brilliant idea to begin a weightloss journey blog.... I am still unsure as to why I think this is a great idea.  I've been contemplating this for a few months now and I finally decided to put my Google accounts to work.  I'm not sure how well I'll do w/ keeping up with this but I guess I need to get the hang of blogging and creating my pages before I can truly give an opinion.  Well that's about all I have for today.

~Nikki Blue